In Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Intimate territories, shared land

From the beginning, les Epopées have been closely connected with l'Yonne, in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region. They are eager to cultivate artistic, cultural and creative links with local inhabitants, school children and associations. This desire has lead to several socially engaged activities.

Residency in schools. In this project, the marriage between historical instruments and contemporary creation is highly unique. To deepen the exchange with the inhabitants of the region (children and families from two villages), Stéphane Fuget chose to collaborate with Jean-Pierre Seyvos because of his innovative approach.

Jean-Pierre Seyvos works through co-creation. He composes musical and pluridisciplinary works not only with professional artists, but also with people of all ages and backgrounds to devise projects through shared creativity.

This approach is enriched and influenced by the people who participate. The music is not generated by the lofty vision of a composer or conductor, but by the fabric of exchange and the contributions of the participants.

This compositional art helps to develop the culture of contemporary open creativity, aiming to awaken all the senses and to surpass traditional dichotomies (professional vs. amateur, reflection vs. sensitivity, art vs. science).


The project will unfold over two years.

Collaborators: Jean-Pierre Seyvos (composer), Stéphane Fuget (harpsichordist, organist), Chloé Latour (actress and stage director), Gudrun Skamletz (choreographer) and Claire Lefilliâtre (singer).


First year : establishing common materials (2020/21)

This year sees the establishment of workshops for the children of Etigny primary school (89). Conceived in close collaboration with the teachers, these weekly workshops encourage the children to develop a rich artistic language (combining theatre, music, dance, journaling...) whose creative elements will then serve as inspiration to devise a show. The four artist collaborators, under the wing of composer Jean-Pierre Seyvos, lead this shared creative process. A performance will close this first year of residency and provide a basis for elaboration in the second year. This project is funded by the SACEM, the Canopé network and the DRAC of Burgundy-Franche-Comté.


Second year : creation of a territorial opera (2021/22)

The second instalment aims to create a territorial opera, written in collaboration with school children and local villagers. This project is open to anyone who wishes to participate in this unusual artistic adventure and will consist of drama games, vocal and musical games, theatre expression, movement, and dance workshops.

At the heart of l'Yonne

The festival and the academy. This important and federating week is held each year at the heart of Yonne in August.